April 2024


How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team (12 Examples)

Learn how to introduce yourself to a new team with our step-by-step guide. Get examples of introduction emails, virtual introductions, and in-person meetings.

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Well, well, well… look who’s the new kid on the block! You’ve finally landed that dream job, haven’t you? Congrats! But now comes the hard part - introducing yourself to your new team.

We've put together this guide to help you navigate the dos and don’ts of introducing yourself to your new colleagues, including 12 introduction examples to help you craft your own.

new employee recently joined

Why Your Introduction to a New Team Matters

As the saying goes, "you only get one chance to make a first impression", and your introduction to a new team is no exception. Your initial interactions with your new colleagues will set the tone for your future working relationships and can impact your overall success in your new role.

A well-crafted introduction can help you:

  • Establish a positive reputation
  • Build rapport and trust with your new team
  • Showcase your skills and experience
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to your new role
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How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team (Step-By-Step)

professional introductions

1. Send an Introductory Email to Your New Team Before Your First Day

Before you officially start your new job, try crafting an employee self introduction email introducing yourself to your new team. This email introduction should be positive, friendly, and concise, featuring a compelling subject line to ensure your message stands out.

Tips for Writing a Positive and Engaging Introduction Email to Your New Colleagues

  • First things first: the subject line. This is your chance to capture attention and ensure your email gets opened. Keep it concise, compelling, and relevant to your introduction.  
  • Now, let's focus on the email body. Start with a brief overview of your professional experience, including your most relevant skills and accomplishments. Don't forget to mention your new job title and express your excitement about joining the company.
  • Use a friendly and professional tone to engage your new team right from the start.
  • Keep your email concise and to the point.

Example of an Introductory Email to Send to Your New Team

Subject: Thrilled to Collaborate: A New Chapter Begins!

Hello Marketing Team,

I hope this email finds you well. As part of my business email introducing myself, I'm excited to announce that I'll be joining your team next Monday as the new Content Marketing Manager. This email introduction serves as a self introduction email sample, aimed at sharing a bit about my background and eagerness to start. With over five years of experience in digital marketing, I’m passionate about creating engaging content that drives results.

I’ve heard great things about the innovative projects you’ve been working on, and I can’t wait to contribute my skills to help the team achieve even greater success. If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please feel free to reach out.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon!

Best regards,


2. Write a Short "About Me" Description for Your New Team

In addition to your introductory email, consider creating a short "About Me" description or create your digital business card to share with your new team. Think of it as a bite-sized snapshot to help break the ice and allow your colleagues to get to know you a little better early on.

How to Craft a Concise and Informative "About Me" for Your New Colleagues

  • Don't go into excessive detail, just hit the highlights - where you've worked before, key achievements, and areas of expertise.
  • Include a few personal details, like a hobby or two, to help your new team connect with you on a human level.
  • Keep your description concise, aiming for around 100-150 words.

Example of an "Abou Me" for a Large and Formal Organization

Mark is a skilled marketing professional with over eight years of experience in brand management and strategic planning. Prior to joining Omincom, Mark held leadership roles at MediaCom and Accenture , where they successfully launched numerous high-profile marketing campaigns. Mark holds an MBA from Columbia and is passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Example of an "About Me" for a Small and Informal Team

Hey everyone! I'm Greg, and I'm thrilled to be joining the product development team as a UX Designer. I've been working in the design industry for the past four years, most recently at Adidas, where I focused on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. When I'm not designing, you can usually find me exploring new hiking trails or trying out new recipes in the kitchen. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you all and creating some amazing products together!

3. Participate in the Onboarding Process with Your New Team

Most companies have an onboarding process for new employees, which typically includes orientation sessions and training. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about the company, your role, and your new colleagues.

Making the Most of Your Onboarding Experience to Connect with Your New Team

  • Attend all scheduled orientation sessions and training.
  • Actively participate in discussions and ask questions.
  • Take notes and follow up on any topics you'd like to learn more about.

Tips for Engaging with Your New Team During Orientation Sessions

  • Be present and engaged during presentations and discussions.
  • Contribute your ideas and insights when appropriate.
  • Show genuine interest in your new colleagues' roles and experiences.
  • Offer to help or collaborate on projects that align with your skills and interests.

4. Schedule a Team Meeting to Introduce Yourself Face-to-Face or Virtually

If your company doesn't have a formal onboarding process, or if you'd like to have a more personal introduction with your new team, consider scheduling a team meeting. This meeting can be held in-person or virtually, depending on your team's location and preferences.

How to Prepare for Your First Team Meeting as a New Member

  • Create an agenda that covers your background, experience, and goals for your new role.
  • Practice your introduction to ensure you're confident and concise.
  • Prepare questions to ask your new team about their roles, projects, and team dynamics.
  • Choose an appropriate outfit for the meeting.

Tips for Making a Positive Impression During Your Team Introduction Meeting

  • Start the meeting with a warm and friendly greeting.
  • Maintain good eye contact and positive body language.
  • Speak clearly and confidently, but avoid dominating the conversation.
  • Encourage questions and feedback from your new colleagues.

💡 Pro Tip: Impress your new colleagues by sending a jamie meeting summary after your intro. Show off your tech-savvy attention to detail!

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5. Break the Ice with Your New Team by Sharing a Fun Fact or Personal Story

self inrotouctions

To help your new team get to know you on a more personal level, share a fun story during your introduction. This can be a great way to break the ice and establish a closer connection with your colleagues.

The Benefits of Using Icebreakers to Connect with Your New Colleagues

  • Helps to reduce tension and nervousness.
  • Creates a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
  • Encourages your new team to share their own stories and experiences.

Example of an Icebreaker to Use When Introducing Yourself to Your New Team

"Before I dive into my professional background, I thought I'd share a fun fact about myself. Growing up, I was a competitive figure skater and even had the opportunity to perform in a few international competitions. While I don't hit the ice as often these days, I still enjoy skating for fun and challenging myself to learn new moves. If anyone's interested in joining me for a skating session sometime, just let me know!"

6. Share Your Professional Background and Experience with Your New Team

When introducing yourself to your new team, it’s essential to provide an overview of your professional background and experience.

How to Highlight Your Relevant Skills and Accomplishments to Your New Colleagues

  • Provide a brief overview of your career history, focusing on your most recent and relevant positions
  • Discuss key projects or initiatives you've led and the results you achieved
  • Mention any specialized skills or certifications that set you apart
  • Explain how your experience aligns with your new role and how you plan to contribute to the team's success

Example of Discussing Your Professional Background During Your Team Introduction

"I've been working in the software development industry for the past seven years, with a focus on front-end development and user experience design. In my most recent role at Stripe, I led a team of developers in creating a new customer-facing web app that resulted in a 25% increase in user engagement and a 15% boost in sales.

I'm excited to bring my expertise in web development and user experience to this team and contribute to the ongoing success of our projects. I'm particularly interested in exploring how we can leverage new technologies and design principles to create even more intuitive and engaging user experiences."

7. Encourage Questions from Your New Team Members During Your Introduction

After sharing your background and experience, open the floor for questions from your new team members. This demonstrates your openness to feedback and your willingness to engage in a two-way dialogue.

Tips for Addressing Questions and Concerns from Your New Colleagues

  • Listen actively and attentively to each question.
  • Provide clear and concise answers, drawing from your experience and knowledge.
  • If you don't know the answer to a question, acknowledge it and commit to following up with more information.

8. Schedule One-on-One Meetings to Connect with Each New Team Member Individually

further communication one on one meeting

In addition to a team-wide introduction, consider scheduling one-on-one meetings with each of your new team members. These meetings provide an opportunity for more in-depth conversations and relationship building.

Example of Scheduling and Structuring One-on-One Meetings with Your New Team

Subject: One-on-One Meeting Request

Hi Andy,

I hope you're having a great week so far. As I'm settling into my new role, I'd love the opportunity to connect with you one-on-one to learn more about your work and discuss how we can best collaborate moving forward.

Would you be available for a 30-minute meeting sometime next week? Please let me know a few times that work best for you, and I'll send out a calendar invite.

Looking forward to our discussion!



During the one-on-one meeting:

  • Start with a friendly and casual conversation to build trust
  • Ask about their role, current projects, and goals
  • Discuss opportunities for collaboration or support
  • End the meeting by expressing your appreciation and enthusiasm for working together

💡 Pro Tip: Send personalized jamie meetings notes after one-on-ones. It's a power move that screams, "I'm a communication and collaboration tech wizard!"

9. Set Expectations About Communication with Your New Colleagues

As you begin working with your new team, aim to establish clear expectations around communication and meeting cadence. This helps ensure everyone is on the same page and working efficiently towards shared goals.

Additionally, sharing contact details among team members is essential for facilitating easy communication. This ensures that everyone can reach out to each other for questions, meetings, or to establish connections.

How to Establish Clear Communication Guidelines with Your New Team

  • Discuss the team's preferred communication channels (e.g., email, instant messaging, project management tools).
  • Agree on expected response times for different types of communication.
  • Set guidelines for when to use each communication channel (e.g., urgent requests via phone or instant message).
  • Clarify any team or company-specific communication policies or practices.

Example of Discussing Team Communication Preferences and Expectations

"I understand that effective communication is key to our success as a team. In my previous roles, I've found that using a combination of email for formal updates and requests, instant messaging for quick questions or clarifications, and regular status meetings helps keep everyone informed and on track.

I'm curious to hear about your communication preferences and what's worked well for this team in the past. Are there any specific guidelines or tools I should be aware of? I want to ensure that I'm communicating in a way that aligns with the team's practices and expectations."

10. Ask for an Introduction to Other Team Members and Departments

As a new team member, it's essential to understand how your role fits into the larger organizational structure. Ask your manager or colleagues for introductions to other teams and departments.

The Importance of Building Cross-Functional Relationships in Your New Role

  • Helps you understand the interdependencies between teams and departments.
  • Provides opportunities to learn from colleagues with different expertise and perspectives.
  • Contributes to a more cohesive and effective organizational culture.

Tips for Requesting Introductions to Key Stakeholders and Collaborators

  • Identify the teams and individuals most relevant to your role and responsibilities.
  • Ask your manager or colleagues for recommendations on who to connect with.

11. Use Informal Moments Like Lunch or Coffee Breaks to Bond with Your New Team

Bring your A-game to meetings, absolutely! But don't neglect impromptu lunch chats or cafeteria sessions either. Those small moments build team chemistry.

The Value of Casual Interactions in Building Relationships with Your New Colleagues

  • Allows for more organic and authentic conversations
  • Provides insights into your colleagues' interests, hobbies, and personalities

Example of Using a Coffee Break to Connect with a New Team Member

"Hey Randolf, I noticed that you have a collection of travel mugs on your desk. Are you a big coffee or tea drinker? I'm always on the lookout for new blends to try.

I was planning to grab a quick coffee from the café downstairs. Would you like to join me? It'd be great to chat more about your experience with the company and hear any advice you might have for someone new to the team."

12. Familiarize Yourself with the Company's Organizational Chart and Structure

steps for self introduction emails professional introduction email

To navigate your new role effectively, it's crucial to understand the company's organizational chart and structure. This knowledge will help you identify key stakeholders, decision-makers, and resources within the organization.

How Understanding the Company Hierarchy Can Help You Navigate Your New Role

  • Clarifies reporting lines and decision-making processes
  • Helps you identify the most appropriate contacts for specific questions or requests
  • Provides context for how your role fits into the larger organizational goals and strategies

Tips for Learning About Your New Team's Place Within the Larger Organization

  • Review the company's organizational chart and departmental structure
  • Ask your manager or HR representative for an overview of the company's hierarchy and key players

13. Follow Up with Your New Team Members After Your Initial Introduction

Don't let that initial introduction be a one-and-done. Follow up with teammates, whether via email, message, or in-person. Keep the momentum by making yourself visible and available. Bascally: put in face time beyond obligatory meetings.

Example of a Follow-Up Email to Send to Your New Colleagues

Subject: Thank You and Looking Forward to Working Together!

Dear Content Team,

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for the warm welcome I've received since joining the team. It's been a pleasure getting to know each of you and learning more about the incredible work you're doing.

I'm truly excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to our shared goals and to collaborate with such a talented and dedicated group of professionals.

If there's anything I can do to support you or if you have any additional insights or advice to share, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm committed to being a valuable and engaged member of this team and to helping drive our collective success.

Looking forward to many more productive and enjoyable interactions in the days and weeks ahead!

Best regards,


Email Samples to Introduce Yourself to a New Team

email introduction examples

To help you craft the perfect introduction, we've put together a series of samples that you can adapt to your specific situation. Use these as a starting point and personalize them to fit your unique background, experience, and communication style.

Sample 1: Self-Introduction Email Template for a New Team Member

Subject: [Your Name] - Excited to Join the [Department] Team!

Hello [Team Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I'm thrilled to be joining [Company Name] as the new [Job Title] starting [Start Date]. With [Number] years of experience in [Industry/Field], I'm passionate about [Relevant Skills/Expertise] and eager to contribute to the team's success.

Throughout my career, I've worked on projects such as [Brief Description of Relevant Project/Achievement]. I'm particularly drawn to [Company Name]'s [Specific Aspect of Company Culture or Mission], and I'm excited to collaborate with such a talented group of professionals.

Outside of work, I enjoy [Hobby/Interest 1], [Hobby/Interest 2], and [Hobby/Interest 3]. I'm always looking for new opportunities to [Personal or Professional Goal].

I'd love to learn more about your roles, current projects, and how I can best contribute to the team's efforts. Please feel free to reach out via email or [Preferred Communication Channel] to connect further.

Looking forward to working with you all and contributing to [Company Name]'s ongoing success!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Self-Introduction Email Template for a New Manager

Subject: Introducing [Your Name] - Your New [Job Title]

Dear [Department/Team Name],

I'm [Your Name], and I'm honored to introduce myself as your new [Job Title] effective [Start Date]. With over [Number] years of experience in [Industry/Field], I'm excited to bring my expertise in [Relevant Skills/Expertise] to support and lead this talented team.

Throughout my career, I've focused on [Key Responsibilities/Achievements], always striving to [Leadership Philosophy or Approach]. I believe in fostering a collaborative, inclusive, and growth-oriented team culture, where every member feels valued, supported, and empowered to do their best work.

On a personal note, I'm an avid [Hobby/Interest 1] and passionate about [Hobby/Interest 2]. I find that [Personal Insight or Belief], which has helped me [Professional or Personal Accomplishment].

In the coming weeks, I'll be setting up individual meetings with each team member to learn more about your roles, goals, and how I can best support you. My door is always open, and I welcome your ideas, feedback, and questions.

I'm thrilled to be part of this team and can't wait to see what we'll achieve together. Thank you for the warm welcome!

Best, [Your Name]

Sample 3: One-on-One Meeting Request Email Template For a New Hire

Subject: One-on-One Meeting Request - [Your Name]

Hi [Colleague Name],

I hope you're having a great week so far! As I'm settling into my new role as [Job Title], I'd love the opportunity to connect with you one-on-one to learn more about your work and how we can best collaborate moving forward.

Would you be available for a 20-30 minute meeting sometime next week? I'm happy to work around your schedule, so please let me know a few times that work best for you.

I'm looking forward to learning more about your experience, current projects, and any insights you might have for someone new to the team.

Thanks in advance for your time!


[Your Name]

Mistakes to Avoid When Introducing Yourself Professionally

While there are many strategies for making a positive impression on your new team, there are also some common pitfalls to avoid:

❌. Using a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Every team and organization is unique, so it's essential to tailor your introduction to the specific context and culture of your new workplace. Avoid using a generic or templated introduction that fails to resonate with your new colleagues.

❌ Focusing on Negative Experiences or Complaints

When introducing yourself to a new team, it's important to maintain a positive and professional tone. Avoid dwelling on negative experiences or complaints from your past roles, as this can create an unfavorable impression and undermine your credibility.

❌ Being Distracted or Disengaged

First impressions are crucial, so it's a good idea to be fully present and engaged during your introduction to your new team. Avoid distractions like checking your phone or multitasking during meetings or conversations, as this can signal a lack of interest or respect.

❌ Ignoring Cultural Differences

If you're joining a team with colleagues from diverse backgrounds or working in a new country or culture, it's important to be mindful of cultural differences and norms. Take the time to learn about and respect the cultural practices and communication styles of your new team to avoid misunderstandings or offense.

How to Build Strong Connections with Your New Colleagues

how to build a positive relationship with new team

As you settle into your new role, actively participate in the onboarding process and take advantage of opportunities to connect with your new team. Here are some expert tips for navigating your first days and establishing strong connections:

Seek out a mentor or buddy: If your company has a formal mentor or buddy program, take advantage of it. If not, consider asking a more experienced colleague to serve as an informal mentor or guide as you navigate your new role.

Participate in team-building activities: Look for opportunities to engage in team-building activities, such as group luns, happy hours, or volunteer events. These informal settings can help you build stronger connections with your new colleagues and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Show appreciation and offer support: As you start working on projects and collaborating with your new team members, express your appreciation for their help and expertise. Offer to assist with tasks or provide support where needed, demonstrating your willingness to be a valuable and engaged member of the team.

How jamie Can Help You and Your New Team

ask jamie anything

jamie is an AI meeting assistant that automatically transcribes and summarizes meetings. It highlights key action items, decisions, and takeaways, making it easy for team members to stay on top of important information and follow up on tasks.

  • Never miss important details: jamie ensures that you and your new colleagues capture all the essential points discussed during meetings.
  • Stay organized and aligned: With jamie's automated meeting summaries, your team can easily reference past discussions, decisions, and action items, keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Save time and boost productivity: By automating the note-taking process, jamie frees up your team's time and energy to focus on meaningful discussions and moving projects forward.

As you introduce yourself to your new team, be sure to mention your enthusiasm for using cutting-edge tools like jamie to enhance your new team's workflow. By demonstrating your commitment to adopting new technologies and working efficiently, you'll position yourself as a forward-thinking colleague.

To Sum Up: Your Winning Introduction Formula

man and women giving high five for great introduction

Congratulations on your new job!

Now it's time to make a fantastic first impression on your new team. The key? A well-crafted self-introduction email that showcases your professional background and highlights your enthusiasm for your new role.

That said, your work shouldn't stop at the introductory email. As you settle into your new role, take advantage of every opportunity to engage with your team. Participate in meetings, schedule one-on-one introductions, and don't underestimate the value of casual conversations.

Most importantly, be your authentic self - after all, this is the best way to build genuine connections. By making the effort to mesh your skills with your true personality, you'll form bonds that strengthen the whole team dynamic.

And here's a pro tip: consider using tools like jamie to streamline your communication and help you and your new team remain productive and well-organized.

So, are you ready to make a splash in your new role? Follow these tips, and you'll be impressing your new colleagues right from the start. Embrace this opportunity, and get ready to make your mark. Good luck!

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🔎 FAQs About Introducing Yourself to a New Team

1. How do you introduce yourself in a new group?

When introducing yourself to a new group, start by sharing your name, job title, and a brief overview of your professional background. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences, and express your enthusiasm for joining the new team. Use this opportunity to showcase your personality and interests related to your new role, while keeping the introduction concise and engaging.

2. How to do an introduction to a new team?

To introduce yourself to a new team, begin by crafting a compelling self-introduction email. Choose an engaging subject line that clearly states your purpose and includes your name. In the email body, share your excitement about joining the team, provide a brief overview of your background, and express your eagerness to contribute to the team's success. Follow up by participating in team meetings, one-on-one conversations, and informal gatherings to build rapport with your new colleagues.

3. How do you introduce yourself professionally?

During your first team meeting, begin by sharing your name, job title, and a brief overview of your background. Highlight a few key accomplishments or experiences that are relevant to your new role, and express your excitement about joining the team. Share a personal anecdote or fun fact to help your new colleagues connect with you on a human level. Encourage questions and engage in active listening to demonstrate your interest in your new team members.

4. How to introduce yourself to a new team as a fresher?

As a new team member, it's essential to introduce yourself professionally while showcasing your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Start by sharing your name, job title, and a brief overview of your educational background and relevant experiences, such as internships or projects. Express your excitement about joining the team and your eagerness to contribute and grow within your new role.

5. How do I start my introduction?

Introduce yourself and focus on what you do. Don't narrate your life story! Give a short description of what you've learned and highlight some of your skills. Focus on what you bring to the table and how your expertise aligns with your new position.

6. What are the key elements of a good introduction email?

The importance of professional introduction emails cannot be overstated, as they play a key role in establishing strong working relationships. These are the most important factors to consider when crafting an intro email:

  • You should find the right balance between a professional and a personal introduction.
  • Your first personal introduction email should not include too many details. The entire message should be under 300 words.
  • The best introduction is one that aligns with the working culture of your new company. Thus, use a more casual tone if your new team seems to communicate more informally. On the contrary, if your new organization follows more of a formal style, try to use a professional tone throughout the message.

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