February 2023


How to Structure Your Meeting Notes Like a Pro

Are you still struggling to take great notes during your meetings? This blog posts covers all you need to know to start writing great meeting notes today.

Founder Associate

As business professionals, we all attend numerous meetings throughout our workweek. The ability to take comprehensive and organized meeting notes can make a significant impact on our productivity and ability to follow up on action items. In this blog post, we will provide practical tips on how to structure your meeting notes, optimize your note-taking process, and effectively manage your meeting notes.

Why Effective Meeting Notes Matter?

Meeting notes are an essential tool for keeping track of critical decisions, action items, and follow-up tasks that result from a meeting. Good meeting notes provide a record of what was discussed, what decisions were made, and what actions are needed. When organized and structured correctly, they can be a valuable reference for future meetings or projects.

In contrast, poorly structured meeting notes can cause confusion, misunderstandings, and missed deadlines. Without clear and concise notes, team members may not have a full understanding of what was discussed or what actions they need to take, leading to wasted time and lost opportunities.

How to Structure Your Meeting Notes

  1. Start with a Clear Meeting Agenda

A clear and concise meeting agenda sets the tone for a successful meeting. A well-structured agenda provides a roadmap for the meeting, outlining the topics to be discussed, and the goals to be achieved. Use the meeting agenda as a framework for your meeting notes, starting with the key topics, and note down the relevant information as the discussion unfolds.

  1. Taking Notes During the Meeting

Effective note-taking requires the ability to filter information, identify key points, and summarize the discussion in a concise and organized manner. During the meeting, listen carefully to the conversation and write down key points that capture the essence of the discussion.

It's crucial to be selective in your note-taking, focusing only on the most important points. Avoid trying to capture every detail, and instead aim to capture the big picture. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification if you're unsure about something. Remember, the goal is not to transcribe the conversation, but to capture the most critical key points.

  1. Use Bullet Points and Headings

Using bullet points and headings can help structure your meeting notes and make them easier to read and reference later on. Use bullet points to outline key points, takeaways, decisions, and action items, and headings to separate different sections of the meeting notes.

Headings can also help you quickly find the information you need when you need it. For example, if you're looking for a particular decision that was made, you can quickly scan the meeting notes for the relevant heading and find the information you need.

  1. Include Action Items

One of the most critical components of meeting notes are action items. An action item is a task that needs to be completed, usually by a specific person, by a particular date. When noting action items, make sure to include the following information:

  • A clear description of the action item
  • The person responsible for completing the task
  • The deadline for completion
  • Any relevant notes or information related to the task
  1. Review and Distribute the Meeting Notes

Once the company meeting is over, take some time to review your notes and ensure they are accurate, organized, and easy to follow. Make any necessary revisions, and then distribute the meeting notes to the relevant stakeholders.

By distributing the meeting notes, you can ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what was discussed, what decisions were made, and what actions are required. This can help keep everyone on the same page, increase accountability, and ensure that deadlines are met.

Optimizing Your Note-Taking Process

  1. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Gone are the days of scribbling notes in a notebook. Today, there are a variety of tools and technologies that can help streamline your note-taking process. For example, using an AI meeting assistant like jamie can help you to automatically summarize your team meeting.

Additionally, this makes it easy to share your meeting notes with others, making it simple to distribute meeting notes to relevant team members.

  1. Develop Your Own Shorthand

If you still decide to stick to handwritten notes, note-taking requires speed and accuracy. Developing your shorthand can help you quickly capture key points and ideas without slowing down the conversation. For example, you might develop a shorthand for common terms, such as using "w/" instead of "with" or "b/c" instead of "because."

By developing your own shorthand, you will quickly become much better at writing meeting notes without missing important information or falling behind in the conversation.

You can also use other note-taking templates or methods to ensure that your meeting notes are concise and to the point.

  1. Stay Focused

During a team meeting, it can be easy to get distracted or lose focus while taking notes. However, staying focused is essential for effective note-taking. Try to minimize distractions, such as checking your phone or email, and keep your attention on the conversation.

Additionally, try to avoid multitasking during the meeting. Instead, focus solely on taking notes and actively listening to the discussion. By staying focused, you can capture the most important points and ideas and avoid missing critical information.

Managing Your Meeting Notes

  1. Archive Your Notes

As you attend more meetings and accumulate more notes, it's essential to develop an effective system for archiving and organizing your notes. Consider using a digital system that stores all your meeting notes in one place, making it easy to reference them in the future.

You might organize your notes by project or meeting and create separate folders for action items, decisions, and other relevant information. By archiving your notes in a structured and organized manner, you can easily find the information you need when you need it.

  1. Review Your Notes Regularly

Regularly reviewing your meeting notes can help reinforce the information and ensure that you don't miss any critical action items or follow-up tasks. Try to review your notes soon after the meeting to ensure that the information is fresh in your mind.

Additionally, consider reviewing your notes before the next meeting to ensure that you're up to speed on the latest developments and decisions. By reviewing your notes regularly, you can stay on top of action items, follow-up tasks, and project deadlines.

  1. Follow Up on Action Items

One of the most important components of effective meeting notes is the inclusion of action items. However, including action items is only half the battle. It's essential to follow up on action items and ensure that they are completed on time.

Consider setting reminders for yourself to check in on action items and follow up with team members to ensure that they are on track to complete their tasks. By staying on top of action items, you can ensure that projects move forward and deadlines are met.


In conclusion, effective meeting notes are essential for keeping track of critical decisions, action items, and follow-up tasks that result from a meeting. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can develop a structured and organized approach to taking meeting notes, optimize your note-taking process, and effectively manage your meeting notes.

Remember, the goal of meeting notes is not to transcribe the conversation but to capture the most important points, decisions, and action items. By staying focused, using bullet points and headings, and including action items, you can ensure that your meeting notes are accurate, concise, and easy to follow.

Why to use jamie?

jamie is an AI meeting assistant that automatically summarizes your meetings and creates brief and concise meeting minutes.

All you have to do is to start jamie, and it will do the rest for you.

After the meeting ended, you will receive a meeting summary with the most important takeaways, action items, decisions and more.

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