October 2023


7 Best Free AI Meeting Assistants for Executives

Executives are constantly juggling a multitude of tasks, from meetings and presentations to strategic planning and decision-making. Let's be honest, with so much on their plates, the need for efficient time management and productivity tools has never been more critical. Enter AI meeting assistants, a game-changing technology designed to make executives' lives easier and more productive.


Executives are constantly juggling a multitude of tasks, from meetings and presentations to strategic planning and decision-making. Let's be honest, with so much on their plates, the need for efficient time management and productivity tools has never been more critical. Enter AI meeting assistants, a game-changing technology designed to make executives' lives easier and more productive. In this article, we'll explore what AI meeting assistants are, why you should use them, and introduce you to the 7 best free AI tools available for executives.

person touching and pointing MacBook Pro

What is an AI Meeting Assistant?

Meetings are crucial in the corporate world, and an AI meeting assistant can significantly streamline and enhance this vital aspect of business operations. These AI-powered tools are designed to assist executives in various meeting-related tasks, from scheduling and note-taking to generating meeting summaries and action items. With the use of natural language processing and machine learning, these assistants can understand and process spoken or written content, making them invaluable assets for any executive.

Boost your executive productivity

Jamie: AI-powered meeting notes in 35+ languages

Try Jamie for Free

Why Executives Should Use an AI Assistant

Executives play a pivotal role in shaping an organization's future and must make well-informed decisions on a daily basis. Here are some compelling reasons why executives, in particular, should consider using an AI meeting assistant:

Time Efficiency

As an executive, your time is a precious commodity. AI meeting assistants can save you valuable time by automating administrative tasks like scheduling, note-taking, and report generation. With these tools, you can make the most of your workday, ensuring that no minute goes to waste.

executive using smartphone on chair

Improved Productivity

Imagine a tool that can not only capture every word spoken in a meeting but also distill it into concise summaries and action items. AI assistants excel at precisely this, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle and that decisions are acted upon promptly. As an executive, this means you can make more informed and timely decisions.

Accuracy and Consistency

While humans are prone to errors, AI assistants can produce consistently accurate and unbiased meeting records. This is particularly crucial in executive-level meetings where precision is paramount. An AI assistant ensures that you always have reliable data at your disposal.

a man sitting in front of a laptop computer

Cost-Effective Solutions

Many executives may be operating under budget constraints. Fortunately, there are several free AI tools available that offer significant functionality without incurring additional costs. These tools can be a real asset for small businesses or executives looking to optimize their resources.

Now, let's delve into the 7 best free AI tools available for executives, providing a more personalized perspective on why each tool can be a game-changer.

Best Free AI Tools

Tool 1: Jamie

jamie is an AI meeting assistant that creates outstanding meeting minutes or notes in your language. It will run as a native app on your device without having to join your meetings as a virtual meeting bot. jamie will not only provide you with a transcript of the meeting but also delivers a topic based summary and action items such as tasks and decisions. But thats not all. jamie does not only take care of your notes, you can also ask jamie anything about your past meetings in a ChatGPT like experience.

jamie makes sure all important topics and action items are included, so you can focus on participating in the meeting and creating value that matter.

This is an image of the ai tool jamie.

Main features:

Language detection: Automaticlly detect the language of the meeting and create notes in more than 35 languages.

High flexibility: Because jamie runs natively on macOS and Windows, it is integrated into your menu bar. Therefore, it works across any meeting software, even offline in a meeting room. No integrations or invites to calendars are required. This allows a seamless workflow without login or registration process.

Ask jamie anything: No one wants to go through all those meeting notes later manually. This is why in jamie you can simply ask anything about your meetings and jamie will give you the answer.


- Concise and actionable summaries and action items instead of long transcripts or high level notes

- Automatic speaker recognition eliminates the need for manuall editing or unpersonlised summaries

- You can train jamie on company spesific acronyms or product names, creating better outcomes every day. The same goes for the automatic speaker recognition of jamie


- If you want to analyze video recordings from your calls, jamie does not provide these in order to ensure a certain level of privacy during meetings.


Jamie offers three different paid plans, as well as a free plan.

- Standard plan: $25/month/user

- Pro plan: $49/month/user

- Executive plan: $105/month/user

Enhance your meeting efficiency

Jamie: Smart summaries and action item tracking

Download Jamie for Free

Tool 2: Google Assistant

person typing on gray and black HP laptop

Main Features:

Voice Recognition and Transcription: As an executive, your time is precious. Google Assistant's voice recognition and transcription capabilities ensure that you don't miss a single word in your meetings.

Integration with Google Calendar for Scheduling: Scheduling meetings can be a hassle. Google Assistant seamlessly integrates with Google Calendar, allowing you to schedule and reschedule meetings with voice commands.

Cross-Device Compatibility: As an executive constantly on the move, the ability to access your notes and schedule from any device is invaluable.


- Google Assistant is accessible from various devices and can be integrated into your daily workflow.

- For executives working on a global scale, multilingual support is essential, which Google Assistant supports effortlessly.


- While Google Assistant is powerful, it may have limitations in comprehending highly technical or industry-specific discussions.

- This tool relies on an internet connection, which may be a limitation in certain situations.



Tool 3: Otter.ai

Image Source: Otter.ai

Main features:

Automaticlly joining the meeting. By inviting Otter's virtual meeting bot to your meetings you can benefit from live captions during your meetings so you can always keep track of what is being said at the moment

If you want to transcribe other pre-recorded audio or video files, you can simply upload them to Otters platform

With Otter's new Co-pilot you can ask questions during the meeting, get instand high level summaries and capture slides from the meeting.


- Otter automatically joins your meeting and records both video and audio

- You can collaborate with teammates live in the transcript, by adding comments, highlighting key points, and assigning action items


- Unfortunately, Otter only works in English

- Currently Otter records your meetings by inviting a virtual meeting bot to your meetings.


Otter offers one free and two paid plans.

- Pro plan: $17 month/user

- Business: $40 month/user

Tool 4: Reclaim

Between coordinating time zones, finding available slots that work for everyone, and dealing with last-minute changes, it's enough to make anyone's head spin. But fear not, because the world of meeting scheduling tools is here to save you the day.

two women who have different focus times during their work hours as presented with the tool reclaim on a website
Image Source: Reclaim

So, you're drowning in meetings and struggling to find time for anything else? Reclaim can definitely help. With a flexible time blocking approach, this nifty ai tool helps you prioritize your important tasks, routines, and goals. Originally designed for busy executives, Reclaim is now gaining popularity with folks at all levels. Whether you're a manager or an consultant, Reclaim can help you take back control of your day.

Tool 5: Clockwise

Clockwise is also a smart scheduling assistant. While there are some overlapping features between the two, there are also some notable differences. Clockwise currently offers certain capabilities that Reclaim does not, and vice versa. If you want to deep dive into what tools suits you best, feel free to check out their websites.

Image Source: Clockwise

Tool 6: Fathom

The next AI meeting tool is Fathom. It allows its users to create meeting recordings and transcripts of those meetings afterwards. Through actively clicking on a button, you can highlight moments in your meeting that will then be marked in the transcript.

meeting notes presented by the ai tool called fathom
Image Source: Fathom

Main Features:

- Highlighting and summarizing short parts of the conversation once the button is clicked

- Offering full transcriptions of the Zoom, Google Meet and Teams calls


- Seamlessly integrates into Zoom and can be used to generate great transcript

- For individual users Fathom is currently completely free. On the team plans it its a paid service


Fathom only works in Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.


Currently, Fathom is completely free for individual users and for teams it starts at $19/month/user.

Tool 7: Colibri

Colibri.ai is a software that provides real-time conversation intelligence for sales teams, enabling them to automate meeting summaries and improve call analytics.

meeting notes as presented by the ai tool colibri
image Source: Colibri

Main Features:

Searchable Call Library: Users have access to a searchable call library, making it easy to retrieve and review past conversations and calls.

Zoom Integration: Colibri.ai seamlessly integrates with Zoom, a popular video conferencing platform, to provide native app support, enhancing the overall meeting experience.

Smart Checklists: Sales reps benefit from smart checklists, complete with reminders and triggers, ensuring they follow the best practices for running high-quality meetings consistently.

CRM Integration: Colibri.ai can seamlessly integrate with existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, streamlining the sales process and data management.


- Colibri.ai offers a 30-day free trial without requiring a credit card, which allows users to evaluate the software's capabilities without any financial commitment

- AI-generated insights provide valuable data for making informed decisions and adapting sales strategies.


- While the Zoom integration is a benefit, it may limit the software's usability for those who prefer alternative video conferencing solutions.

- The 30-day trial may not be sufficient for some users to fully explore and assess the software's long-term benefits.

Now, while we have looked at the Best AI Tool for Meeting Summaries and Meeting Scheduling, to address specific executive needs, you may consider customizing AI assistants like Microsoft Cortana, IBM Watson Assistant, or Cisco Webex Assistant. These tools allow for tailored solutions, making them ideal for unique use cases. For example, you can create personalized workflows for strategic planning, financial analysis, or any other specific requirements you might have as an executive.

man facing a woman

Ultimately, AI meeting assistants have become indispensable tools for executives looking to manage their busy schedules and optimize their meeting processes. Whether you need help with note-taking, scheduling, or generating meeting summaries, the 7 best free AI tools mentioned in this article provide valuable assistance, helping you stay on top of your game in today's competitive business landscape. Explore these options to discover the AI meeting assistant that best suits your executive needs and watch as they revolutionize your daily workflow.

Streamline your meeting workflow

Jamie: Automatic summaries for any meeting platform

Get Jamie for Free

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