July 2023


How to Record a Microsoft Teams Meeting (Easy Guide)

Are you interested in learning how to record a teams meeting or if recording is permissible? This comprehensive guide provides a straightforward, step-by-step process that you can easily follow, including instructions on how to use AI-tools like jamie to summarize your meeting content in one click.


Quick steps of how to record a meeting in MS Teams:

1. Start or join the meeting in Microsoft Teams. 

2. Navigate to meeting controls and click on “More actions.” > “Start recording.”

3. Click finish recording as soon as you wish to stop the recording. 


Note that all participants are being notified as soon as you start the recording. 

For a more detailed guide and visual guidance, scroll down to “3 Steps to Record a Meeting in Microsoft Teams".

3 steps to record a meeting in MS Teams 

Step 1️⃣

To record a meeting on teams, you must ensure that you have the permission to do so. By clicking the option button (…) In the top right corner, you can see if the recording option is available to you. 

How to record a meeting in MS teams


Find below an overview of the meeting participants that do and do not have access to recording a meeting. If you do not have access or permission, it will look like this:

How to record a meeting in MS teams

Step 2️⃣

If you can see the recording button, you can simply start recording by selecting „Start recording“. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm your choice. If you continue, a red recording sign will indicate that your screen is being recorded.

How to record a meeting in MS teams

Step 3️⃣

Hit „Recording“ once your meeting is over or if you wish to stop at a certain point in the meeting. If everyone leaves the meeting, the recording will stop automatically.


Who can record meetings in MS Teams?

According to the Microsoft Support Center, the following users can start or stop a recording:

Microsoft Help Center - Who can record
Image Credits: Microsoft

How to automatically summarize your meeting in teams?

AI meeting assistant jamie

It can be challenging to stay present at meetings while taking notes. That’s why a lot of people rely on recordings. But let’s be honest – how many times did you really take the time to rewatch the recordings or take notes? If you want a comprehensive summary of your meeting in just one click and don’t necessarily need the full recording or audio file, then AI-assistants like jamie can provide you with a professional summary, so that you never have to take meeting notes again. Impress your colleagues with not just perfectly structured meeting notes, but also action items to rely on. Try jamie out for free!

Benefits of jamie

·      Receive a professional summary, transcript, and action items – all in just one click.  

·      Record a meeting without notifying other participants.

·      Allows you to record, even as a guest in the teams meeting

If you are looking for more tips on how to make meetings notes, summarize meetings or which AI tools to use for audio transcription, check out our guides here you can find more information in our blog.

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